Welcome to Golden Tamarin Interactive

What’s New?

December 2023 – Godot is panning out well so I am officially switching efforts from Unity to Godot for Elevation TD.

September 2023 – Like many other developers out there, I am very disturbed and unsettled about Unity’s licensing announcements and have put development on Elevation TD in Unity on hold while I assess Godot – https://godotengine.org

December 2022 – I have decided to discontinue Mazucan – if you are interested, read about why on the Mazucan page – work will shift to a large revision of Mazucan which I am calling Elevation Tower Defense.

August 21, 2021 – Golden Tamarin announces its next app – Mazucan! Read about it here: Mazucan

Nov 30th 2020 – Golden Tamarin releases its first game Flattery – check it out for FREE on the Apple’s App Store. See? There really IS a good side to the year 2020!

11-2020: Golden-tamarin.com has launched! Our online presence will provide the community with updates and information about current and planned projects.

Latest Dev Blog

  • Godot Leveraging Timers
    This is part 4 of 4 in a series about some recent performance tuning I completed on Elevation TD. Intro Start with the very basic assertion anything that does not need to be done every frame should not be done every frame. There is no golden rule about what should or should not be done every… Read more: Godot Leveraging Timers
  • Godot Off-Screen Processing Control
    This is part 3 of 4 in a series about some recent performance tuning I completed on Elevation TD. Overview Out of the box, Godot supports culling of off-screen object display – which is great, but if you have scripts attached to those culled-for-display-purposes-only objects, the scripts are still running, chewing up CPU for no displayable… Read more: Godot Off-Screen Processing Control
  • Godot Performant Nav Agent
    This is part 2 of 4 in a series about some recent performance tuning I completed on Elevation TD. Background Godot’s build in navigation and agent system works reasonably well. Before proceeding with the rest of this article, please be sure you’ve read and implemented everything in Godot’s Nav Agent tutorial – we are assuming you… Read more: Godot Performant Nav Agent

About Us

Golden Tamarin is the “studio name” for my solo dev work. My goal is to build a small base of interesting games / multimedia experiences that I can work away at. Game development is a nice break from corporate software engineering – though it shares a lot of the same concepts, it exists in a completely different context. Golden Tamarin is focused on producing thoughtful, interesting and enjoyable experiences playable by a diversity of age and cultural backgrounds.

Golden Tamarin Interactive is owned and operated by Aaron Anderson.

Contact Us

You can reach Golden Tamarin at support@golden-tamarin.com or by completing the form below: